- Name: Marta, Lolita
- Phone: Only for members
- Location: Europe, Portugal
- City: Porto
- Last login:
- Sex Toys
- 69
- Classic sex
- Domination
- Escort
- French kissing
- Group sex
- Role Play
- Striptease
- Anal Sex
- Erotic Massage
- Fetishes
- Oral Sex
- Private Dancer
- Russian
- Outcall
- 1 Hour : 200 EUR
- Overhignt : 1200 EUR
- Gender: Female
- Ethnicity: Caucasian
- Orientation: Bisexual
- Body type: Slender
- Hair Color: Brown
- Bust Size: 2
- Height: 161-165 cm
- Weight: 56
- None
- Smoke: No
- Alcohol: Yes
- Drugs: No
- English
- Spanish
- Portuguese
To view all contact information about this escort you have to be registered as VISITOR
Hello my name is Marta. I am a true lolita, I have 18 years and body of a teenager girl. I am eager to meet you,i have learned a few things but I want to learn many more with you. I learn quickly if you are willing to teach me;) I like fun, intelligent,open mind,kind(or severe;)) gentlemans. The reward for all this is an unforgettable time with me, no hold barriers, with much involvement,Like all should be.... With me things will flow so naturally that the time will pass by and once i exit through from your romm door you will begin miss me.That i promiss! My body is delicate, have small tits and round, Hazel eyes, white and delicate skin, use an jeans 36, wild curly hair, narrow waist and love my legs and buttocks. Like to meet new people, and especially, like this my "job,fun", it’s a way to combine business with pleasure. During the time that you want i will be totally yours and my function will be giving you the maximum pleasure possible as i will have. You cant imagine how much. Well,book me and i will show you. Just call me! xoxo Marta Lolita
The administrators of this web site do not take any responsibility for the information added by the users of this site in neither case. The users are agents or independent entities who guarantee that the services provided by them are in accordance with the current laws. To view all contact information about this escort you have to be registered as VISITOR
- Pets
- Art
- Movies
- Other
- Classical
- Dance
- Disco
- Hip-Hop
- House
- Jazz
- Pop
- R&B
- Rap
- Other
Will Date
- Man + Woman
Desired Age 18
Dating Scope
- Sex
- None