Bianca Fabulous, 36 Female Escort / 3185 views
Contact Information
- Name: Bianca, Fabulous
- Phone: Only for members
- Location: North America, United States
- City: Las Vegas
- Last login: 2012-08-30 10:28:18
- Region: Nevada
- Escort
- Classic sex
- French kissing
- Role Play
- Gender: Female
- Ethnicity: Aborigine
- Orientation: Bisexual
- Body type: A few extra pounds
- Hair Color: Black
- Height: 166-170 cm
- Weight: 40
- Smoke: Yes
- Alcohol: Yes
- Drugs: Yes
- Title: Fabulous Las Vegas Escorts
- About: With Las Vegas escorts it doesn’t matter if your tastes run from mild to wild or from shy to... more info»
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About Me
Bianca - Unbelievable beauty with an exotic look and erotic attitude. Bianca is for the serious client.
The administrators of this web site do not take any responsibility for the information added by the users of this site in neither case. The users are agents or independent entities who guarantee that the services provided by them are in accordance with the current laws. To view all contact information about this escort you have to be registered as VISITOR
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