- Name: Robbie, Aurum Escorts
- Phone: Only for members
- Location: Europe, United Kingdom
- City: London
- Last login: 2013-09-25 15:13:27
- Oral Sex
- Escort
- Group sex
- French kissing
- Incall
- 1 Hour : 500 GBP
- Overhignt : 2000 GBP
- Outcall
- 1 Hour : 500 GBP
- Overhignt : 2000 GBP
- Gender: Female
- Ethnicity: European
- Orientation: Bisexual
- Body type: Curvy
- Hair Color: Blonde
- Bust Size: 4
- Height: 166-170 cm
- Weight: 54
- Smoke: No
- Alcohol: Yes
- Drugs: No
- Title: Aurum Escorts
- About:
Welcome to Aurum Agency. Your number one source for Europe’s hottest young escorts,... more info»
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Robbie is a cheerful person. She has a contagious positive nature that will give you the breather that you need. But more than just the sweet face and the beautiful physique, she can give you a 360 degree transformation in a snap. The wild child in Inga is waiting to be unleashed. Drive slow if you want the playfulness of a puppy and race like mad if you want to hear the raw of a tiger. Inga is curvaceous body and long legs are sure to take you to great heights. Robbie with her long locks and get lost in her roller-coaster company. Her piercing eyes and gorgeous smile is sure to keep you coming back. Get ready to have your heart stolen by this beautiful London escorts. This charmer is bound to give you the experience of a lifetime.
The administrators of this web site do not take any responsibility for the information added by the users of this site in neither case. The users are agents or independent entities who guarantee that the services provided by them are in accordance with the current laws. To view all contact information about this escort you have to be registered as VISITOR
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