- Name: Carmen, Elite Derby Escort
- Phone: Only for members
- Location: Europe, United Kingdom
- City: Derby
- Last login: 2016-01-11 14:06:37
- Region: England
- Sex Toys
- Role Play
- Group sex
- French kissing
- Escort
- DP
- Anal Sex
- Striptease
- Russian
- Private Dancer
- Oral Sex
- Fetishes
- Erotic Massage
- Domination
- Classic sex
- 69
- Outcall
- 1 Hour : 160 GBP
- Overhignt : 1050 GBP
- Gender: Female
- Ethnicity: White
- Orientation: Bisexual
- Body type: Atheletic and toned
- Hair Color: Brown
- Bust Size: 8
- Height: 161-165 cm
- Weight: 46
- None
- Smoke: Ocasionaly
- Alcohol: Ocasionaly
- Drugs: No
- English
- Title: Imperial Escort Agency Nottingham
- About: Imperial Escort Agency Nottingham more info»
To view all contact information about this escort you have to be registered as VISITOR
Carmen is our new escort in Derby & she provides high class outcall escorting services in all over the Derbyshire county region. If you are looking for some high profile model with exquisite features, then you are in right place. Carmen is a young model, at the age of 22 she is irresistibly hot & has earned a great experience in escorting arena. Her athletic curvy figure is very attractive and is capable of mesmerizing you with a single glimpse. You can have a great romantic tryst with this diva by booking her for your desired time. Call Imperial Escorts in Derby at 07922093901 for bookings!
The administrators of this web site do not take any responsibility for the information added by the users of this site in neither case. The users are agents or independent entities who guarantee that the services provided by them are in accordance with the current laws. To view all contact information about this escort you have to be registered as VISITOR
Ashley, 31
Paula, 37
Roxy, 27
Laura, 31
Valentino, 31
EvaLVE, 28
Angel, 25
Diamond, 27
Vanessa, 39
Barbie, 24
Leona, 26
Jessie, 28
Chrissi, 26
Busty, 33
Natalie, 24
EMMA, 28
Fiona, 27
Paula, 29
Kayla, 28
Catalina, 32
Juliette From Paddington, 31
Abelia, 30
Mercedes, 27
Treacle, 41
Foxy Love, 38
Katie, 28
Shyane, 28
Andrea Sparkles, 25
Angie, 31
DIVA , 29
Georgi, 28
cassie, 31
Anabelle, 30
Alexia, 33
denise, 26
Alice, 25
- Cars
- Art
- Movies
- Ballad
- Blues
- Opera
- Pop
- R&B
Will Date
- Man + Woman
Desired Age 18 to 60
Dating Scope
- Sex
- Partnership
- Sponsor
- Some Dating Scope
- None