- Name: Monique, LeGrandeurSociety
- Phone: Only for members
- Location: Asia, Thailand
- City: Bangkok
- Last login: 2016-11-07 14:42:42
- Gender: Female
- Ethnicity: Asian
- Orientation: Bisexual
- Body type: Atheletic and toned
- Hair Color: Other
- Height: 161-165 cm
- Weight: 45
- Piercing
- Smoke: No
- Alcohol: Yes
- Drugs: No
- Other
- English
- Title: LeGrandeurSociety
- About: LeGrandeurSociety is an elite and luxury escort agency which offers luxury companionship for... more info»
To view all contact information about this escort you have to be registered as VISITOR
Monique is an open-minded, modern escort lady with a slim body with fascinating curves of a model. Monique is not only an open-minded lover, but also a good listener and conversationalist as well. She combines a unique style and self confidence with a natural ease and cheerful nature. Monique loves the positive side of life and knows how to appreciate the finer things in her life. Her companionship is simply divine and a true enrichment to the demanding gentleman. She is a perfect escort companion in every way in every occasion. Treat yourself to an exclusive date with Monique.
The administrators of this web site do not take any responsibility for the information added by the users of this site in neither case. The users are agents or independent entities who guarantee that the services provided by them are in accordance with the current laws. To view all contact information about this escort you have to be registered as VISITOR
Mariella, 33
August, 35
ROSE, 40
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Ball, 30
Amelia, 33
VIP Alice, 33
Michelle, 33
Isabelle, 31
Brittany, 33
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Mabel, 32
Amber [Eurasian], 30
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Abigail, 31
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Lucky, 45
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CICI - Thailand Model, 23
- Piercing